Monday, March 26, 2018

President Trump's Scandal Credit is Huge.

Perhaps if Stephaine Clifford, alias Stormy Daniels,  had come out a bit earlier about her illicit relationship with President Donald Trump, the outcome of the 2016 presidential elections would have been less certain. Some have pointed out the sex was consensual. It does not make it any more tolerable, considering the fact that his wife, Melania Trump, was weaning a baby at the time and flesh grabbing on the sidelines in such a tender period smacks of hasty, egregious infidelity. At any rate, consensual or not, sex outside wedlock is strictly forbidden for the president of the most powerful country on earth, whether aspiring or in office. Senator Gary Hart was toast the very moment his affair with Donna Rice went public and gave free ride to Michael Dukakis in the 1988 Democratic nomination. President Bill Clinton escaped by the whiskers in his affair with Monica Lewinsky. It has also been reasoned that Trump's comments about groping women's sexual organs in the run-up to the presidential polls did not compel the electorate to reject him. True, very true, the horrific outbursts were even worse than sexual harassment, but an actual deed often carries greater weight in the mind of people. Stormy Daniels did not do her country a lot of favor by not coming out earlier with her expose, a duty that would have put the future president of the United States in clearer perspective.
Which brings us to the issue of women victims coming out in droves to speak about their experiences. The alleged Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby affairs have a common thread running through them: the abuses were serial. Carried out over a huge length of time on several victims. It is certainly gladdening that the victims are now coming out in droves with their humiliating experiences and similar testimonies have led to the downfall of seemingly important and responsible men in the society, such as the popular actor, Steven Seagal. The #MeToo hashtag campaign  has attracted millions of devotees but so many folks could have been spared excruciating agony and humiliation if the first victim had come out boldly about her experience the very moment it happened. Silence and inaction only serves to embolden such predators and, as it is, we have simply lost count of the plethora of women coming out to allege Weinstein.
Hence the thunder Stormy Daniels was expecting from her revelations has simply not happened. In fact, a lot of people now see her revelations as more of a business venture. If Trump did not sign the non-disclosure agreement in the first place, what ever prevented her from coming out with her revelations in 1916 when they would have constituted real political scandal. The hush $130,000 Michael Cohen, Trump's lawyer, paid her would have been simply sensational. As it is, her expose now sounds real limp, not really more than commercialized petty scandal And it is coming out at a time Trump's scandal credit has grown so huge. The disclosure that a goon approached her in a Las Vegas park in 2011 and threatened her to leave Trump alone will have to need back-up. We hope she has evidence, even a slim one of the encounter. Then the law will require her to satisfactorily link the thug to the president. Otherwise that aspect of her interview rather sound like a cheap thriller brought up to sex up the whole show, wow her audience and keep them queuing for more. Stormy Daniels is certainly going to gain more scheduled appearances and more folks will be visiting her $14 naked cam, all to great profit, but this is a scandal that is not going to pull Trump down. He has enough scandal credit to cover it. Because he is such an outlandish figure that any scandal, real or imagined, fits him like a second skin. Americans recognize the figure that they voted for and scandal isn't a strange fit on the persona.
Trump may come to grief yet from at least two other women accusers: the ex-playboy model, Karen McDougal who claims she had a consensual sex with Trump between 2006 and 2007 and a former contestant on Trump's reality show 'The Apprentice', Summer Zervos, who claimed the president sexually assaulted her at a Beverly Hills hotel in 2007. The various lawsuits instituted by these individuals may prove very, very damaging but for now, he could go on enjoying his bizarre presidency. And Stormy Daniels could storm on with her television shows. Basking in the limelight a bit will not do her glow any harm.

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