Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Weistein Files for Extiction, not Bankruptcy.

Certainly, the Weinstein Company would not be filing for bankruptcy now if one of its founders, Harvey Weinstein, had realized that the true worth of women lies not in the sexual services they could perform but in their natural grace and beauty and their overwhelming efficiency, effectiveness and capability, a very tiny fraction of which we see in their splendidly organized homemaking.Sex, even consensual sex, and the workplace is a link that is poorly appealing and in the case of Mr Weinstein, it was specially foul as the sex he sought, if the plethora of allegations against him are to be believed, was of the coercive type: rape, sexual harassment and sexual intimidation. All compounded by serial attempts to award favors for sex. Only God knows how many careers he had ruined of women who decided to follow their natural inclination and stood against his sexual bullying.
He has deservedly fallen from high grace to very low grass. With a lot of good coming from his downfall. It had triggered the #MeToo hashtag campaign and encouraged many women who have been victims of sexual bullying to come out and speak about their experiences. And in the process, many powerful men have come to their disgrace, now wallowing in the cesspool of opprobrium.
Such fate naturally befall those who choose bestial lust over grace and honor. Harvey and his ilk should have realized women, especially in Hollywood, were a gold mine and not objects of predatory sexual instincts. His disgrace started in October 2017 and by the end of that year, three of the highest grossing films in Hollywood were enterprises heralded by women. The spectacular performances of Emma Watson's Beauty and the Beast, Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman and Daisy Ridley's The Last Jedi in the box office should serve as pepper in the eyes of the likes of Harvey Weinstein. Women can easily outperform males in acting, and in several other enterprises, and old stereotypes must necessarily be consigned to the dustbin. The Black Panther has been very successful but it is not all that difficult to predict that most of the most successful films in 2018 will be those in which women play leading roles. In a pleasantly perverse way, the Weinstein Effect has opened our eyes to the huge potentials women possess and film-making being a business very compliant with the wishes of customers, execs in Hollywood studios will simply give the people what they want. And that will automatically settle the controversy about pay disparity between actors and actresses, male and female performers. It was all nonsense anyway. Male and female singers get their rewards not according to gender but according to ability and crowd-pulling. Acting should not be an altogether different kettle of fish. Eventually the same system of remuneration will spread to football and even soccer, giving us more of the even world we all desire.
If Harvey had followed his business instincts and not his loins, gave huge roles to women, capable women able to deliver performances, perhaps his company's coffers would be overflowing with cash now. Money that could be used or utilized for worthier causes such as charity. As it is, the only valuable thing left of his company is the removal of non-disclosure clauses. Conditions of engagement that has been serially abused by all and sundry and under which many men have hidden to perform execrably notorious acts of sexual intimidation. Hopefully, other companies will follow suit  

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