Wednesday, February 28, 2018

From Florida to Nigeria, Officers are not doing their Job.

This is a global platform in a world wondrously interconnected and there is a lot to think and write about but it is very difficult not going back to the tragic events in Parkland, Florida. Back to Deputy Scot Peterson, the Broward County deputy sheriff who arrived ninety seconds after the start of the carnage and failed to intervene when he had close to five minutes to move in and at least divert the shooter. He was the M.S. Douglas High School Resource Officer and it is easy to think he would at least have some responsibility to the kids under his watch. President Trump did not mince words in calling him a coward and he is evidently in the bad books of many.
Which his defense of his actions is not going to erase soon. According to him, he waited in inaction thinking the shooting was coming from outside the school. You would think it a bit odd that a fifty-four year old officer with more than twenty years of experience would find it difficult determining the direction sustained gunfire, any gunfire, was coming from. Then he left while the firing was still going on. In fact it continued for a further minute after he had left. So if the carnage was coming from outside into the school, the shooter would not have encountered anyone to confront him. In attacking Mr Scot, President Trump has been badly drawn and quartered in some quarters but it seems our president is now having the last laugh: even assuring that if he had been in the same situation as the Deputy, he would have certainly gone in to confront the Mr Nikolas Cruz. That doesn't sound much like a boast now. We are not really in any position to doubt our president now but paraphrasing James Hadley Chase, if you believe the excuses being bandied by Officer Scot, you would believe anything. Perhaps the three other Broward County deputies alleged by CNN to be also present in inaction while the shooting was going on were also crouching behind their cars with drawn weapons thinking the shooting was coming from outside. In this tragic situation, the law and its purveyors have been in serious remiss. It would have been far profitable if Mr Scot had not said anything at all, allowing us to tumble and tumble in our in distance-effected doubts and conjectures
Which brings us to another serious remiss, the recent kidnap of 101 schoolgirls from their hostel in the town of Dapchi in northern Yobe State by Boko Haram terrorists. You would think Nigerian security agents would have learned from their shortcomings in the abduction of the Chibok schoolgirls a couple of years earlier. Especially in a large girls' school in a town just eighty kilometers south of the border with Niger Republic, a demarcation as porous as an old colander. Of course the police were at their illegal checkpoints collecting illegal duties from motorists and couldn't care a damn if all the women in Yobe were carted away by Boko Haram. The Nigerian police runs the largest extortion and debt collection agency in the world and safety of lives and property was going to be very low in the priority of its officers. And for a reason or reasons anyone in the army or government has not been able to relate even satisfactorily, a couple of weeks before the abduction, troops were withdrawn from Yobe, a hiatus Boko Haram did not hesitate to ruthlessly exploit.
From Florida to Nigeria, officers collect fat salaries and give very, very little in return.  And their excuses are even worse than their lapses.

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