Saturday, February 10, 2018

Trump and his Rasputin Coefficient.

Someone once suggested that had Leo Tolstoy lived into the events of 1919, the great man would have regarded Rasputin as a necessary addition to Tsar Nicholas sphere of influence. There are certain things magnet must automatically attract and those that surround a leader must somehow be a reflection of the will and desires of that leader. Hence every ruler has his Rasputin Coefficient: how the aides, advisers, officials, sidekicks that form his administration help to effect his policies based on his own image and preferences. Hitler had his own almost perfect Coefficient: Goebbels, Eichman, Goering, Ribbentrop, Mengele. That of President Trump is slowly unfolding. In a week, two aides have resigned, on charges that are unpalatable even in Taliban Afghanistan. Giving a wife a black eye and stubbing out cigarettes on her hands are controversies this administration could have easily avoided if Chief-of-Staff, John Kelly could have been a bit more circumspect about his job. Rob Porter and David Sorensen hadn't had a lot of sympathizers of late and when accusations of domestic abuse on parts of aides are keyed into Trump's own well-publicized comments on women, whatever good they might have done in office would be well subsumed by fears they had rather added to Trump's Rasputin Coefficient, on the negative side. It is difficult to see how Kelly can easily wash his hands off the latest controversy. Why spend hefty sums of dollars on background checks if  they still end up allowing folks like Sorensen and Porter to end up in the White House. Trump had just spent a year in office but the total number of forced and controversial resignations we've witnessed in this administration far outstrips the total suffered by Bush and Obama in their 16 combined years in office. It will be very surprising if Kelly is not the next guy to bite the dust in the whole saga of misdemeanor on the part of officials.
These accusations have not been proven and the guys might just end up clearing their name. But the thick mud their reputation and that of their principal have been dragged in... They would need a lot of cleaning to do.

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