Sunday, February 25, 2018

Parkland, Florida Shooting: A Tale of Three Scotts.

The sheriff was in no position or place to shoot or be shot at. His deputy was in position and place to shoot or be shot at. Neither happened. It was Sheriff Scot Israel who alerted us of the 'sickening' inaction, read cowardice, of Deputy Scot Peterson. 'He should have gone in to confront the killer, kill him.'
Most of us were not in position or place to ascertain what really happened at M.S. Douglas High School that day and the only weapons were have now are our conjectures, heated conjectures. Deputy Scot could have been thinking about his own wife and kids(human from his own point of view, execrable from ours), based on training and experience, he could have weighed his pistol against the killer's AR-15 and shaken his head at the mismatch(valid from his own point of view, unacceptable from ours considering the fact there were barehanded heroes in the same saga who threw themselves in the path of bullets), or his courage could have simply failed him. President Trump's  preferred version of the theories. Made worse by the knowledge the guy was on 76k p.a. Life and death situations are often complex and those involved often have less than a tiny fraction of a second to decide whether to become heroes or zeros. Be as it may, the decision was his to make, the judgment will be ours. For ever. Life is like that.
But before we start tacking up Deputy Peterson on the high walls as the poster boy for cowardice, we should not be oblivious of the fact that when the police from Coral Springs arrived at the scene, there were three other officers from the same Broward County Sheriff Office crouching behind their cars with drawn pistols. Doing virtually nothing to intervene. If these accounts by the CNN are anything to go by, then we may equally do well by taking some time off slating Scot Peterson and dwell a bit on well-paid public officials who failed miserably in preventing a carnage that should not have been. For a start, Sheriff Israel should take a closer at his own men in Broward County and we should all help extend this examination. Police officers are paid well, the heroine who alerted them to the errant behavior of Nikolas Cruz probably spent her own money to make the call that they negligently ignored. Still the fantastic woman was undeterred and had to spend additional money, time and effort in approaching the FBI when she got no reply from the police.The FBI chaps,who are equally well-paid, unfortunately, as it turned out to be, had ears that were in the same mode as that of the police. In an earlier blog, we said that the key to preventing such mass murders in the future will be in folks like that woman. Mothers, grandmothers, relatives, neighbors, acquaintances who take a healthy interest in what those close to or near them are doing or thinking and will gladly do their duty to the society without asking to be paid a dime for their efforts.
Apropos of those not doing their job or trying to do it or doing it very poorly, Mr LaPierre of the National Rifle Association could have done far better by saying as little as possible. He should have realized that in times of grief like these, it is not the truth that matters but simply the saying of it and trying to play up to the Second Amendment was simply pathetic. Definitely, the purveyors of the 'right of citizens to bear arms and defend themselves' did not have AK-47s, or the new evil kid on the block, AR-15, in mind, assault weapons that are always in the offensive mode. If the NRA emerges from this outrage unscathed, it will be a mini miracle and Mr Lapierre isn't going to be the savior.
Which brings us to the third Scott, Rick Scott, Florida governor. Cruz might have bought his gun at the age of 18 but the Las Vegas shooter was well above 50 when he perpetrated his carnage. The issue now is not limiting the age at which people legitimately buy weapons but governor Scott is very right in proposing the outright ban of assault weapons like the AK-47 and the AR-15 and the so-called 'bumper stocks' that convert less intimidating guns into far deadlier weapons. Then he would have done his job of protecting his own citizens well if he can follow up his determination to seize weapons from those certified of developing mental illness or beginning to exhibit mind processes that drive hitherto safe individuals into the killer mode.
Provided such individuals cannot well hide their evil turns.   

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