Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Trump, Immigration and Walls.

President Donald Trump like his things big and bright, a one off image that catches on all fours and swamps everything else. Hence everywhere you go in his immigration policy, the wall looms large. If he's trying to erect a fence to keep out immigrants along the border with Mexico, why should the whole project borrow a controversy from the horribly contentious Dreamers' Project? Not by any stretch of imagination are the two related.
But he knows the immigration conundrum will not just go away with erecting a wall. It is too complex for that project no matter how big it is. He has to back to the roots of the problem, which are as spreading and diverse as the roots of the West African red mangrove. He would need to start from Africa, a shithole as shitty as they come. Poverty is simply grinding; the leaders who run the shitholes are too powerful and helpless folks do the only thing they can: risk the horribly dangerous journey across Sahara Desert and then cross the Mediterranean Sea in any boat they can find to Europe. It is not foolhardiness. It is desperate survival. America is lucky, so to say. The Atlantic Ocean is a much larger divide than the Med and Africa versions of Vietnamese boat people are not going to be a sight soon. From Africa and Europe, some migrants will find their to Mexico, to Trump's wall but whether it will be an unbreachable obstacle remains to be seen. If the Berlin Wall could not could not keep folks from bursting out from behind the Iron Curtain, I don't see how a wall  in sections of the infernally long Mexican border will be a greater obstacle to those who have crossed the Sahara and the Med. In an age where human desperation and ingenuity are increasing by leaps and bonds.
A Harvard professor was in Nigeria recently and he did see people virtually boiling leaves for food. Which is just a very tiny, tiny fraction of the gory picture. Millions are surviving on less. Mr Trump could be at the forefront of the fight against those who steal money meant for food and stash them away in other countries. He could impose severe sanctions on countries that readily accept and hoard such loot. The Oghara Independent Power Project, a Ponzi Scheme organized by the Delta state government of Nigeria, led to the bleeding of 25 billion naira from the state coffers. Many officials simply shared the money, closed shop and relocated to the US, leaving millions of people in the impoverished region to a fate of hunger and malnutrition. Trump could ask serious questions of folks like that. Britain is already asking investors to explain sources of their wealth. Such proactive steps will not me unnecessary meddling; it could help a lot of folks in Africa and Asia become a bit contended and save the money meant for building the wall for other pressing needs.

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