Mr Donald Trump, as a presidential candidate, got something going for him, though a lot of folks in America might not admit it: or might not even be aware of it. The stage was waiting for a cutting-edge leader and Trump stepped right onto it. It would have taken something very extraordinary to stop him: certainly not his horrific groping statements about women, certainly not the latest Stormy Daniel revelations. If even they had gained more substance then. American folks were simply bored of the unending procession of family-loving, politically-correct speaking presidents, of which the latest, Barack Obama had a demeanor and manner that was so soporific he easily could send a hungry lion to sleep. Trump was a character whose idea had come and he was going to win, come prostitutes, come scandals.
Which was perfectly understandable. Political contests in the US had become hideously repetitive, on a template of combats that were not exciting, even interesting. Candidates were more or less sparing partners wearing the same gloves everyday. The best they could throw were phantom punches. Personal attacks sounded like gossips initiated by bored housewives, nothing subtle or engaging, that catches on all fours. The two dominant parties were rapidly being stripped of their colors and it was only a matter of time before a third force came to steal all the pinks and roses. Trump might have won on the Republican ticket but if someone was searching for traces of Bush or Reagan or Eisenhower in him then folks had better search for their ancestry in Mary, Queen of Scots. American politics was screaming for an Ali to come in and shake the scene and sex things up and in stepped a reality TV star who knew how to serve a repertoire of acts designed to keep his audience glued to their seats.
And he has been serving it aplenty: big, raw(no pun) and loud, very, very loud. Day in, day out, the controversies just keep pumping in. If an aide is not being accused of stubbing out cigarettes on the hand of his darling today, tomorrow a personal lawyer is admitting having paid a prostitute to... A charge he had denied so vehemently earlier. Every moment, Trump's Rasputin Coefficient is unraveling. Which is why the latest revelations will not elicit more than a puff of public outrage, a sudden huge flare of indignation that expends itself so quickly like the flashes of an explosion. More likely the hammer, if there was going to be any, will fall on the fingers of Mr Cohen. Folks take a very dim view of lawyers paying money that look hush. Another controversy will break out shortly, if it doesn't, it means the president has lost the plot Americans scripted for him. Few, very few are complaining. Folks can't have it both ways. Americans wanted a cutting edge chap in the White House and there was no toolmaker written into the scenes: a guy to pull out a blunting stone when the edge becomes too sharp.
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