Sunday, February 4, 2018

Trump, Stephen King and an Eerie Warning.

The trouble with the United States of America is that they drink too much beer in God's own country, a sin as objectionable as not heeding. So, naturally, too many folks have too little time and calmness for reading. A lot of my friends who are out there are now regretting having voted for Donald Trump Which would have been a lot less exasperating feeling if a not-so-substantial fraction of what goes daily into six-packs had gone into obtaining a copy of Stephen King's 'Dead Zone', a book, in my own opinion, the best this great novelist has ever written.
Check the character of Greg Stilson and check President Donald Trump. Check the gushing, madly-adoring crowds and the screaming rabble-rousing; check the hard hat and the outlandish shock of thick hair; check the horrific yet easily-pardonable disdain for women; check the glib yet frequently blurting tongue; check the American First brand; check the bright, lurid American flag draped all over the well-cut suit; check the grandiose dreams of the Great Wall; check the sloppy impulses that might one day lead America to disaster. Check, check, check...
Maybe someone then might have taken a pop at him. Maybe Americans might not have then voted him a dog catcher. Nobody read and now Trump, in a weird reincarnation of Greg Stilson, an eerie fiction-to-life transformation that might have surprised the master of horror himself, is the president of the mightiest nation on earth.
Because the film version never did justice to the original

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